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Knowledge base
Clever Ads
Promo Code
How to Activate my Google Ads Promo Code?
Google Ads Promo Code Requirements
How to Check that my Promo Code Has Been Applied?
What to Do if I Cannot Apply the Promo Code?
How to activate my Microsoft Ads promo code?
View all 7
How is my ads' score calculated?
How often should I audit my Google Ads campaigns?
What happens when I apply a tip?
What are special tips?
Keyword Planner
How does the Keyword Planner work?
Can I use Clever Ads Keyword Planner for SEO purposes?
Where does Clever Ads Keyword Planner get keywords from?
Will Clever Ads save my keyword lists?
How often should I do keyword research?
View all 6
Banner Creator
How does Clever Ads generate my banners?
How can I customize my banners?
What banner formats can be generated?
Why should I use Clever Ads Banner Creator for my Google Ads strategy?
How often should I review and update my banner ads?
Clever Ads Chat Integrations
What do the Slack/Microsoft Teams/Google Chat integrations do exactly?
How do I invite Clever Ads in a Slack channel?
How can I add Clever Ads to a MS teams team?
What is the price?
What features are available?
View all 8
About Clever Ads
What’s Clever Ads?
Having a new Google Ads account created by Clever Ads
Signing in to your Google account at Clever Ads
Integrating HubSpot with Clever Ads
Clever Ads Manager Pricing
How can I upgrade my current plan?
How is the payment done?
When is my subscription renewed?
Can I downgrade at any time?
Does Clever Ads provide any discount?
View all 6
How can I keep my campaigns updated and optimized?
I have doubts or need to make changes to my new campaigns
My URL is not valid
eCommerce Ads by Clever Ads
About Google Ads
What is Quality Traffic?
What is PPC?
How does Google Ads work?
What is a Display campaign?
What is a Search campaign?
View all 13
About Clever ecommerce
How does Clever ecommerce work?
Is Clever ecommerce generating everything automatically?
What does it mean that Clever ecommerce is a Google Partner?
Which languages does Clever ecommerce allow?
Which ecommerce platforms is Clever ecommerce available in?
View all 9
About Clever Dashboard
How does the Budget selector work?
What do you mean by "clicks"?
What do you mean by "conversion"?
What do you mean by "impressions"?
What do you mean by "conversion value"?
View all 13
Premium Features
I want to be Premium
Premium Feature: Weekly Reporting
Information about the Premium Plans
Premium Feature: Shopping Campaigns
Premium Feature: Dynamic Remarketing
View all 7
User's Common questions
What is the average campaign creation time?
I want to make changes to my campaigns
What if I have more than one online store?
How can I change my budget?
How can I get support?
View all 21
Google Ads Creator Software
Why do I need to connect my Google Ads account?
What if I don’t have a Google Ads account?
Will I be able to change my Google Ads account in the future?
What will my logo be used for?
Target audience language information
View all 15
Help Desk Software
by Freshdesk