Clever Ads Keyword Planner is quick and easy to use! We’ve summarized how to use it in 4 simple steps:

1- Enter keywords or a URL from where you get your keyword suggestions. You can also filter by country and language for more accurate results, depending on your strategy targeting.

2- We will give you a list of keyword results that you will be able to filter until you get only the keywords that really interest you. Clever Ads allows you to filter by search volume, trends, average CPC and competition. You will also be able to select any words that you want and which of the keywords to include or exclude.

3- Once filtered, you can create keyword lists. You can manage them, combine them and update them anytime you want by entering Clever Ads Keyword Planner. Your keywords will always be safe with us.

4- Most importantly, when you are ready, you will be able to have your keywords directly uploaded to your own Google Ads campaigns. You can kiss goodbye to downloading and managing spreadsheets because we will automatically upload your already filtered and curated keyword lists to the campaigns of your choice.

Voilà, c'est ça!